The Popular Klitschko Brothers who dominated Heavy Weight boxing for more than two decades have taken up arms in defence of their homeland against the superior Russian Military. Though considered insignificant in the court of public opinion, their presence in the war front gives Ukraine the advantage the United States of America Exploited in the Second World War and tried to but failed to utilize in the Vietnam War.

Vitali and Wladmir Klitschko

The Brothers, both PhD holders and former World HeavyWeight Champions, dominating the Heavyweight division from 2004 to 2015. In 2011, Vitali and his younger brother Wladimir entered the Guinness World Records as the pair of brothers with most world heavyweight title fight wins (30 at the time; 40 as of 2020).
The United States in the second world war had Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis in the war fronts, he enlisted in 1941 and fought against the Germans.

as a result of his influence so many black males joined the army for an opportunity to fight side by side with the Heavyweight Champion who was their nation hero.

The champs photos was also used on pro-war campaign posters to encourage the vibrant youth to enlist.

The effect Joe Louis presence had in the army and the war at large must have been among the reason why the U.S government tried to conscript Muhammad Ali in 1966 during the Vietnam War, Ali refused to join the U.S Army for political and religious reasons and was stripped of his heavyweight title and had his boxing license withdrawn.
Africa isn’t left out of such history as in the Nigerian-Biafran civil war, amongst so many reasons why the Biafran resistance against the much superior Nigerian Military lasted for 30 long months with almost nothing was a Boxing Champion by known as Dick Tiger ( native name: Richard Ihetu) who left his boxing career in the United States to fight on the Biafran side, he was a source of morale to many Biafran soldiers and helped a lot by training them in hand-to-hand combat.

The presence of Dr. Steel Hammer( Wladimir) and Dr. Iron Fist( Vitali) as they were nicknamed for their PhDs and boxing prowess are now in the fronts resisting the Russian invasion. Their presence is a constant morale booster amongst the Ukrainian soldiers, they’ve both become national heroes and Vitali Klitschko who is also the incumbent mayor of Kiev is viewed as the nation figure of the Ukrainian resistance by many. Wladimir, also a multilingual social medial figure is actively involved in the ongoing media war using his instagram as well as other outlets to a great advantage.